Expanding my sight into something beyond what can be seen with the naked eye has always been my passion; to express myself in ways that can be felt through that of only emotions. I work to inspire, create, and imagine new pieces of work. Ever since I began in the world of art, I’ve always aimed to create meaning in my pieces, no matter how simple.
beginning to expand past high school in the world of art and design, using my work to inspire and build a creative spark, no matter how small.
September 2020 – 2022
Working in intense pressure-situations, Wisconsin schools gather to compete to create fluid, visually interesting and well-crafted artwork by working individually and gathering feedback from peers. Served on the team for two years in a row, scoring three perfect scores.
September 2021 – 2022
Throughout my final year in high school, I placed over 70 hours of internship work within my school’s art department, aiding students with graphic design in Adobe Photoshop and working as a student-teacher to advance pupils in design and technological skills.
May 2021 – Today
Became adobe certified in graphic design within photoshop, after an extensive program to master the program. Highly skilled in creating and working with the program.
I would say to any artist: “Don’t be repressed in your work, dare to experiment, consider any urge, if in a new direction all the better.”